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36 -й конгресс AIGLP - увидимся в Мексике!
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36 -й конгресс AIGLP - увидимся в Мексике!

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The largest event of the LPG sector in Latin America, the Congress of the Ibero-American Association of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (AIGLP), reaches its 36th edition. Our congress aims to discuss the LPG sector in Latin America, and present the latest developments in the technical-operational, regulatory, and market areas, among others.


The 36th AIGLP Congress - See you in Mexico!

In 2023, from March 22nd to 24th, our company will participate in The 36TH AIGLP Congress in Mexico City.

Our booth is NO.43, we warmly and sincerely invite you to visit us and look forward to seeing you there soon!


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+86 571 8768 0216
Сайт фабрики:
19/F, Minghao Building, 1688 Binsheng Road, Бинцзян, район, Ханчжоу, Чжэцзян, Китай (почтовый индекс: 310052)
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